Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

TRIGGER, wild and sexy theme Idol Unit

yaho lagi minna-san~

karena suatu alasan, tangan saya sudah gatel pingin posting soal rival dari unit IDOLiSH, TRIGGER

TRIGGER adalah idol grup yang merupakan rival dari IDOLiSH7. grup ini di lakoni oleh Gaku Yaotome sekaligus Leader, Tenn Kujou sebagai Center dan Ryuunosuke Tsunashi si wild and sexy member.

yuk, diintip ketiganya :

1. 八乙女 樂    CV: 羽田野 渉
(Gaku Yaotome     CV: Wataru Hatano) 
“For what reason are you standing right in the middle.”
Voice Samples:
As expected, TRIGGER is the best. Why don’t you come over to our side?
Don’t get conceited, Ten. With this face and height, the one who will stand out is me.
Age: 22
Height: 183cm
Birthday: 16 August
Likes: Soba (Japanese buckwheat noodle)
Dislikes: People who do not value their family
Hates losing and has a bad mouth but has a side of him which is full of passion.
Ever since debuting at his father’s place, which is an entertainment agency, he has been doing well and increasing in popularity. Currently he holds the position for “NO.1 male that most want to be hugged by”.
He is also the most wanted personality for commercials and dramas.
 2. 九条 天   CV: 斉藤 壮馬 
(Tenn Kujou        CV : Souma Saitou)
“If it’s going to be like this, it’s unfit for an idol alright.”
Voice Samples:
Everyone! Thank you for coming all this way for our sake! From now on, for Kujou Ten, for TRIGGER, please take care of us!
What is it? We’re not on stage right now so I’m not going to give any fanservice.
Age: 18
Height: 173cm
Birthday: 9 July
Likes: Things that are perfect
Dislikes: Things that are half-assed
Has an outward appearance of a little devil kind of character, is a perfectionist and is strict when it comes to competency.
He vowed to himself that whenever he is in public, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, he will give his best for a perfect performance.
Because of his high level of professionalism, even for those who knew him previously, it is easily misunderstand that he has a cold personality.

3. 十 龍之介   CV: 佐藤 拓也
(Ryuunosuke Tsunashi      CV: Takuya Satou) 

“Thanks to Ten and Gaku, I was able to work hard and get this far.”
Voice Samples:
Good morning! Every time when I wake up, my hair would always be in a mess. It’s so troublesome. 
Do you want to tempt me that much? Well, then, come on, why don’t you try? You know what you should do right?  … I-I CAN’T DO THIS!
Age: 23
Height: 190cm
Birthday: 12 October
Likes: Okinawan cuisine and alcohol
Dislikes: Nothing in particular
He used to be gentle and shy but, at the agency, he sold himself as a dangerously sexy and wild character, even though he is very embarrassed by it.
If he lets his guard down, he will slip back into his dialect, and you can feel how hard it is for him to keep up with his created image.
Loves alcohol a lot but gets really troublesome when he gets drunk.

dengan ini komplit semua tokoh-tokoh utama dari game IDOLiSH7

yang manakah tipe mu? teehee~

NB >> GAME : ada 1 kesamaan yang dimiliki salah satu member TRIGGER dengan member IDOLiSH7 .... bisakah kalian menemukannya apa itu kesamaan dari member yang ada di antara 2 unit idol ini?
jika sudah ketemu, kirimkan jawabannya ke REG (spasi) IDOL------------------------------------------------lost signal------------------------------------------

Kalau ketemu silakan langsung jawab di komen XD
kyahahahahaha XD

adios amigo~


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